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Dear haiku friends you are invited to participate in The Caribbean Kigo Forty Eight Kukai. The THEME is 'music competition' Send one haiku written about this theme e-mail to
Panorama night...
the woman on the bass steals
the hearts of fans
(first shared at NaHaiWriMo in response to the January 2014 prompt - 'alchemy')
-- gillena cox
Panorama a steel band competition held during the Carnival season
Listen Calypsonian Scrunter's - 'De Woman On De Bass'
Deadline for sending entries is February 10th 2013
Deadline for sending votes is February 20th 2013
A voting list will be e-mailed to all players
Votes to be scored using a total of 6points; voters must use all 6 points
the example given is just one of several ways you can allot your points
Comments during voting are encouraged but must be limited to 3 lines. When published, these comments
and votes will be given anonymous listings.
Ballots:(votes and comments) to be sent by e-mail to
The results will be published here at Caribbean Kigo Kukai. After results have been posted, any comments
you wish to make can be posted directly here at the blog just click on comments at the end of the post
much love
BEST WISHES for 2014

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